Bioponica's systems and processes give growers an opportunity to achieve greater farming sustainability.
The Biogarden is a modular, scalable soilless grow system with fish or nutrient tank and waist high grow beds.
Supports organic hydroponics, aquaponics and bioponic methods of growing.
Technique oriented for deep water culture, NFT nutrient film technique and flood and drain aggregate beds.
Available in sizes from small homeowner of 3' to indoor vertical growing and commercial aquaponics sized 40' -100' organic hydroponics growing beds.
The Nutricycler is a scalable design for making organic liquid fertilizer through a process of anaerobic digestion, biofiltration and vortex mixing.
Making liquid fertilizer is easy, when utilizing biology to digest and biofilter into a microbe-ready, plant-ready solution.
Use for in-ground or soilless grow systems inlcuding hydroponics, aquaponics and bioponics.
For small to large garden and farming projects - 5 gallon to 50 gallon to 240 gallon to 2500 gallon nutricycling operations.
Sets up in minutes and produces fertilizer around the clock, 24/7
Primordial Soup Nutrients
Primordial Soup blends are mixtures of biomass organic ingredients that provide a liquid fertilizer when converted using the Nutricycler systems.
GreenUp Primordial Soup is high in nitrogen and macrominerals.
FlowerUp contains high phosphorus, calcium and minerals
MineralUp is a high mineral blend that produces and acidic liquid high in macrominerals and trace elements.
Liquid fertilizer from Primordial Soup Blends yields NPK ratio of 1.5-5-5 and a total PPM of 6000-8000. Typical dilution 1:10 - 1:20
The Biogarden
The self contained Biogarden is an all-weather, vertical hydroponic growing system that is adaptable to a variety of growing configurations. Tanks below each vertical level of grow beds give the grower an opportunity to segment the operation for all varieties of growing. In one greenhouse, a series of Biogarden systems may be used for growing plants with different nutrient needs, for raising fish or not, for deep water raft culture, aggregate beds or for pure aquaculture.
Primordial Soup Nutrient Blends
Over the last 5 years, Bioponica has put in a lot of work studying the nutrient content and extraction potential of various biomasses for making liquid fertilizers. We started with grasses, coffee grounds, kudzu, food discards and brewery grains. We then created blends of dried biomasses that provide different ratios of N, P and K. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium support plant growth phases of greening-vegetative, flowering-budding and tissue strength and plant fruiting. Our blends contain mixtures that when extracted by microbes, either through nutricycling or through soil nourishment yields inorganic elements that are readily taken up by plant roots and nourish plants through different phases of growth.
The Nutricycler
The Nutricycler is made up of any configuration of elements that allow for the extraction and biofiltration of liquids made from biomass. The necessary parts per our design to make liquid fertilizer through the process we call 'nutricycling' are anaerobic digestion tanks (or buckets), vortex aeration and mixing buckets and biofiltration media. Nutricycling is a relatively simple process and adaptable to a variety of settings, from the small backyard or rooftop hydroponics system to aquaponics systems to large scale soil or soilless growing environments.

Accessories for optimal growing
With the Biogarden, Nutricycler or Primordial Soup Dry Blend there are a number of accessories to keep your organic hydroponics and fertilizer making project optimized. Here you will find grow trays for deep water culture, drip lines for aggregate beds, pumps, plumbing, net pots, tanks for extracting nutrients from biomass, biofilter bags, vortex aerators and more.

The Biofarm of Oakland Oregon
In 2017, Bioponica completed the installation of it's first commercial aquaponics growing facility. The Biofarm of Oakland, operates year round to demonstrate growing plants and producing liquid fertilizer. The site is used for educational workshops. Here we conduct research on production, yield and techniques for sustainable methods of soilless agriculture.
Biofarm Up and Running!
The Biofarm in Oregon is an commercial growing facility featuring 1150 SQ Ft of grow beds, 3000 gallons/month of organic liquid fertilizer production. The site is fully automated with recirculating aquaponics tanks, aggregate grow beds and deep water lettuce and microgreen beds.
Integration of organic food production, retail sales, cafe’s and restaurants and energy production This project was designed for a local […] Read More
About Us
In 2010, Bioponica's founders set out to build a more perfect aquaponics greenhouse facility.
The project was taken on to support a client who wanted to raise better tasting tomatoes for their pizza franchise.
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David Epstein, D.O.
Algosolar LLC DBA Bioponica
Atlanta, GA 30316